Web Technologies
Front End Technologies
Front-end and back-end are terms used to characterize program interfaces and services relative to the initial user of these interfaces and services. (The "user" may be a human being or a program.) A "front-end" application is one that application users interact with directly.
A "back-end" application or program serves indirectly in support of the front-end services, usually by being closer to the required resource or having the capability to communicate with the required resource.

HTML, HyperText Markup Language, gives content structure and meaning by defining that content as, for example, headings, paragraphs, or images. CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a presentation language created to style the appearance of content—using, for example, fonts or colors.
The two languages—HTML and CSS—are independent of one another and should remain that way. CSS should not be written inside of an HTML document and vice versa. As a rule, HTML will always represent content, and CSS will always represent the appearance of that content.
With this understanding of the difference between HTML and CSS, let’s dive into HTML in more detail.

JavaScript provides the ability to add interactivity to a website, and help enrich the user experience. HTML provides a page with structure and CSS provides a page with appearance, JavaScript provide a page with behavior.
Like CSS, JavaScript should be saved in an external file with the .js file extension, and then referenced within an HTML document using the script element. Where the JavaScript reference is placed with HTML depends on when it should be executed.
Generally speaking, the best place to reference JavaScript files is right before the closing